
Eminent Biosciences provide Next Generation Sequencing Service for Whole Genome Sequencing, Exome sequencing, RNA Seq using

Eminent Biosciences - EMBS provide support to health researchers involved in Clinical/epidemiological research.

We extent our services to Envirormental Biotechnology, Microbiology, Metagenomics, 16SrRNA/18S rRNA sequencing and Microbia

Apart from our we provide industry driven training and project for research students in their academia for preparing their

Eminent Biosciences offers a broad range of Microarray analysis ranging from basic quality control, differential gene expre

Next Generation Sequencing Analysis.

Next Generation Sequencing Analysis.

Over the past few years a new-generation of sequencing technology is revolutionized with the emergence of Next- Generation Sequencing (NGS), also known as massively parallel sequencing. Compared to conventional method such as Sanger Sequencing (the chain-termination method), Next- Generation Sequencing provides enormous amount of sequencing data in cheaper and faster way. There are several platforms available for Next-Generation Sequencing technology such as Illumina/Solexa, Roche/454, AB/SOLiD, and LIFE/Ion. The sequence data further obtained from the sequencer can be analysed using Bioinformatics and Statistical tools. Eminent Biosciences provide Next Generation Sequencing service for whole Genome sequencing, Exome sequencing, RNA sequencing using both Ion Torrent and Illumina. We also extent our Next Generation Sequencing(NGS) services to Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis. Following are NGS Data analysis services.

1. Whole Genome Sequencing and Assembly

De novo genome assembly is typically carried out when a reference genome sequence of a particular organism is unavailable. The process involves putting together overlapping pieces of DNA obtained from sequencing of unknown template DNA (from an organism). It is a computationally intensive process and requires a number of parameter adjustments based on the nature of the organism. GIC's services include draft genome assembly plus detailed genome annotation, which can be visualized in a powerful genome browser environment.

  • De novo assembly at different K-mer lengths.
  • Statistical information of assembled contigs (total number of assembled contigs, size distribution of assembled contigs, average contig size, N50 and N90 contig sizes).
  • Scaffolding of contigs.
  • Gap closing and ordering contigs.
  • Assembly validation.
  • Genome annotation (structural and functional).
2. Transcriptome Analysis (mRNA-Seq):

Micro RNAs are a class of small non-coding RNAs of length 18-22bp. Recent discoveries about the functions and roles of miRNAs have sparked great interest in the study of a new level of gene regulation involved in development and disease.

  • Known and novel miRNA tagcounts.
  • Identification of differentially expressed miRNAs.
  • Identification of target genes.
  • Pathway and GO analysis.
  • Data visualization.
Targeted Resequencing(Exome-Seq)

A quick and effective strategy to identify disease-causing genes for rare Mendelian disorders. The strategy is also being applied to profile all variants in complex diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes and AMD.

  • Alignment of Exome data to the reference genome.
  • Coverage estimation.
  • Variant discovery.
  • Variant annotation.
  • Variant association testing.
  • Data Visualization.
MicroRNA Detection And Expression Analysis (MicroRNA-Seq)

Micro RNAs are a class of small non-coding RNAs of length 18-22bp. Recent discoveries about the functions and roles of miRNAs have sparked great interest in the study of a new level of gene regulation involved in development and disease.

  • Known and novel miRNA tagcounts.
  • Identification of differentially expressed miRNAs.
  • Identification of target genes.
  • Pathway and GO analysis.
  • Data visualization.
Epigenetic Regulation(Methylome-Seq)

Analyze genome-wide DNA methylation patterns by immunoprecipitation of methylated cytosines or based on bisulfite conversion of methylated cytosines to uracil.

  • Alignment of bisulfite converted reads to the reference genome.
  • Detailed mapping of methylcytosine positions.
  • Discovery of differentially methylated regions.
  • Pathway and GO analysis.
  • Data Visualization.
Protein-DNA Interaction (Chip-Seq)

Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by sequencing is a powerful method to determine the locations of DNA binding sites for a protein (transcription factor) of interest. Determining protein-DNA interactions involved in gene regulation is essential to fully understand biological processes and diseases.

  • Alignment and fragment length distribution analysis.
  • Transcription factor binding site detection / motif discovery.
  • Target gene identification.
  • Pathway and GO analysis.

Eminent Bioscience will support our client for Microarray Data/Next Generation sequencing data/SNP data/ Genome/Gene sequence data to Public repositories such as NCBI/EMBL/SRA/ENA/DRA etc. We also support our client for Data analysis, Research Methodology/Results and discussion andPublication of research paper in International Journals.